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Last updated on June 29, 2024 5:47 pm
This is a very nice computer feels a little bit more angled than last year as well let’s get this off oh whoa whoa whoa whoa before i open this the top of it smells really weird smells like
metal shavings not a fan of it uh so let me go ahead and
lift this up for you guys so right off the rip i can already tell
that the keyboard is much better but this these are some very long keys over here uh let me flip this around and let’s talk about some of the first specs that we get so they’re boasting 12 hours of battery life with usbc easy charge fast and reliable wi-fi master i’m just sure that means wi-fi six fast face login with ir webcams so love to see that uh us military grade durability
that’s always nice low blue light no flicker eye care i don’t know why i said it like that but that’s also good and ai
noise canceling for clear speech and sound is by harman kardon great and the other thing that i want to show you guys is that this is the ryzen 5 5000 series so that’s nice to see that
we have that inside of the zen book this year and we have the i believe the mx 450 yep so before i turn this on actually i’m going to try and turn it on anyway let me try and get this booted up super quick wow look at these ports this is such
this is a way better design than last year oh my god it’s not plugged in you don’t all right now it’s getting booted up here
so before i talk about this actually let me talk about the ports real quick so we have two usb-c ports and both of them can
handle the ability to charge this laptop which is something that you couldn’t do last year and then we also have an hdmi
port full size and then moving on to the other side we
have a oops usb a port micro sd card slot and cortana god
well sign in here honestly so annoying sometimes like i
was saying we have usb a micro usd micro usd why do i keep saying that it’s a micro sd card slot and then finally we have a headphone jack okay so while windows is doing its finishing touches which i almost never know what that is let me bring out the old model real quick now i’ll have a  separate video comparing these two um side by side but this is just going
to be like a very brief overview so let’s see what the difference is between these two real quick so first off as you can see the top part the new one is on my left the old one is on my right the new one has the asus logo on the left hand side where this is in the center like most laptops but either one doesn’t really matter because that’s not what you’re looking at when you’re using othe computer um let me see that’s a lot easier to do with one finger and they’re both pretty much one finger
so looking at the track pads this one seems to be they both seem to be the same honestly yep they are pretty much identical it looks like the nah they’re pretty much identical um so i thought the keyboard would look better on the new one but it looks like it’s still kind of facing the same problem
let me turn off the backlight during the day oh it did it automatically so um it’s a lot more legible i would say
on the newer model i’m gonna have to see what it’s like during night time but it’s nice that they both have backlit
keys but that was the biggest problem that was holding back um last year’s model um as you can see this metal railing that they have right here are plastic i still don’t know what this is
um it’s gone on the new one it’s just like built into the actual bezel of the screen and it looks like we actually lose a little bit of real estate on the screen by incorporating this bezel so
that’s another thing we still have venting here but it looks
like we’re booted up into windows so let me go back into
doing our housekeeping on the new laptop uh like i said before the bottom is definitely more angled it’s not rounded off like the bottom i kind of like this looks more i guess modern almost like
but let me go back into the laptop
windows hello
it’s kind of awkward probably have to be
like here
how much range do you need
this is actually kind of
let me close it
try again usually asus isn’t this slow
usually it’s instant
yeah that’s the way it’s supposed to be
um but let’s go ahead and do some
housekeeping so we have a ryzen 5
5500u processor we have eight gigabytes
of ram running at
4200. that’s pretty good
uh going on to the disc we have a
samsung drive that is 256. i’m assuming
it’s using pci
um not pci using the m.2 slot
uh wow this my router is definitely
pulling stuff out right here but
um we have a wi-fi six card as well and
then we have the mx450 which i’ve heard
is a much more improved chip than 350
but i hope so since it’s a 100 more but
let’s go ahead and start off with the
display and speakers and see how they
it’s a pretty good speaker
the display is also
pretty good as well listen okay so
just like the g14 this laptop raises
itself up in order it also helps
i’m getting so excited i can’t even
speak so this laptop raises itself up
when you push it back this helps not
only in terms of airflow but all i would
say it could be a little bit more clear
at max volume but i
say this all the time i don’t think
they’re going to be disappointed with
the speakers that are inside this laptop
okay next up is a typing test and try
and move it actually let me move it over
here so you guys can see a little bit
i feel like they could use a little bit
more key travel it’s a little bit
shallow for my taste but um
if you buy a laptop and you use the
keyboard and you’re stuck with a laptop
to be honest you’re gonna
either love or hate it but
it’s a keyboard
what can i really say about it
i really don’t know how i feel about
this keyboard usually i say keyboards
are subjective and i love
asus keyboards but i don’t know compared
to last year’s the last year’s keyboard
feels so much more solid
yeah this feels so much better this is i
guess i just got to break it in this
just feels more
like there’s resistance when i’m
actually at the bottom of the keycap
when i press down this one just feels
more fluid when i type
um but yeah that’s just the only thing i
can really describe for the new keyboard
uh so what is next let me test out the
camera i know the camera was abysmal and
last year in dark settings so we’ll see
uh no thanks you’re not using precision
all right in three
two one let’s go
all right so this is the camera of the
asus zenbook i don’t have the model
number on me but it’s the new asus
zenbook 14. um to be honest
decent you know i’m not gonna rip this
decent i
it’s decent actually me saying decent
this thing is
it’s below average by my standards but i
think from the way people are going to
be using this and you know what a webcam
is for you’re really just trying to see
the other person and that’s it you don’t
really care about the quality but
i mean it’s a camera it’s a webcam what
can you really say but
it looks
it doesn’t look amazing or average it’s
like i’d give it a 4.5 out of 10.
it’s not a 5.
it’s a 4.5 so shall we open up the
what kind of screws do these use oh man
it’s the ones that the macbook uses but
it looks like there’s only one two three
four five six seven screws which is nice
where’s ifixit
uh let’s see this might be a t5
it’s a t5 all right i always feel so
scared opening up laptops like i’m gonna
break something but it feels it looks
like these are screws or something like
right here
so i was right so under these two feet
grommets they have uh
little screws right here because it
really felt like i was gonna break the
laptop if i like kept pulling on there
i’m a gentle guy i’m a gentle giant
yeah right i’m like what five five
anyway we’re in the laptop now looking
inside this laptop here it looks like we
only have the option to upgrade
our m.2 slot that is already being used
so if you wanted to upgrade the memory
instead of using just
256 you can but i just want to see if
there’s anything underneath it
uh most definitely not
so it looks like we can just upgrade the
m.2 slot and that’s it the ram looks to
be soldered
and doesn’t look like the wi-fi card is
looks like this is it right here but
soldered onto the motherboard
so if you were looking to upgrade this
laptop you can only upgrade the
storage so do keep that in mind if you
were looking to pick this up intending
on upgrading the laptop
the best thing that you have to realize
or should say the thing you should focus
on the most is that the specs
upgraded so we have the new ryzen 5000
series and i’ll have it somewhere on the
screen whether this one is zen three or
not and then we also have the mx 450
instead of the 350 of last year
and i believe there are some times on
best buy where this laptop the new one
is actually cheaper than last year’s
and i also do like the new design
language of this year as well and the
fact that you can charge with usbc is
another game changer because it’s just
one less thing you have to carry around
and you can just utilize your usbc cable
even more
but that
pretty much wraps up
asus zenbook
go ahead and do my facial recognition
with windows hello i’m in like that
but hopefully you guys found this video
informative if there’s anything you want
me to test out or try like i said before
i will have the direct comparison to
last year’s and let you guys know some
of the major differences
really like this laptop um it doesn’t
seem like we have the issue with the fan
being on at 100 all the time
the other thing that i want to mention
real quick before i let you guys go i
sound like i’m in a meeting but um this
keyboard this right hand side seems to
be just so elongated for some reason
it’s like they want to take up the
um top part of the keyboard which is you
know their choice but i would have liked
to have this zenbook
be just
i don’t know written somewhere on this
top part of the chassis because it’s
kind of a bummer that we’re losing the
full screen that we had last year not
full screen but the near bezel-less that
we had last year but
it’s still a nice display nonetheless
so with all that being said guys
hopefully you enjoyed this unboxing
experience and my first impressions of
the latest asus zenbook of 2021. i
appreciate every sub like and comment
and as always guys much love
it’s a great laptop and the usbc like i
don’t even need this how much wattage is
this 65 watts
that’s like the same as the oneplus
power adapter so i can just use that to
charge this laptop
but yeah
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14-14.99 inches


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